Information for Triallers
The National Sheepdog Trial Association would like to invite you to participate in the 82nd National Sheep Dog Trial Championships 2025.
The 2025 Championships will be held from March 10-16 at the Hall Showgrounds.
The Open Championship will be held each morning, followed by the Maiden Championship each afternoon. Open finals will be held on Sunday.
There will be commentary through “National Dog Radio” during the trial. The Draw will be finalised closer to the event. Live scoring will be available once competition begins.
Entries have now closed for 2025!
We look forward to seeing your there.
Monday 10 March
- 7.30am – Gates open
- The Open/Improver competition begins, followed by the Maiden competition.
Tuesday 11 March
- 7:30am – Open/Improver continues, followed by the Maiden competition
- 6.30pm – Welcome BBQ for all competitors, their families, NSDTA members, Judges. *Please BYO drink, glass, cutlery, and plate.
Wednesday 12 March
- 7:30am – Open/Improver continues, followed by the Maiden competition
Thursday 13 March
- 7:30am – Open/Improver continues, followed by the Maiden competition
Friday 14 March
- 7:30am – Open/Improver continues
- The last of the Maiden runs
- The National Championship Maiden Final
Saturday 15 March
- 7:00am – Completion of the Open/Improver
- 2:00pm – Sheepdog demonstration
- 3:00pm – State Champion of Champions
- 7:00pm – Dogs Dinner and CopRice Top 20 presentation
Sunday 16 March
- 7:00am – The National Championship Improver Final
- CopRice National Top 20
- The National Championship Open Final
- 3:00pm – Award Ceremony, all welcome.
Open Championship — Michael Rigby , QLD
Maiden Championship — Rohan Ballon, QLD
Dress Code
All finalists are asked to wear a tie and/or blazer.
Camping is available in two (2) locations.
- Powered camping within the show ground
A limited number of powered sites will be available within the show ground beside the Pavilion. The amenities are in the pavilion.
- Powered and Unpowered camping on the Polocrosse grounds
Powered and unpowered sites will be available on the shady polocrosse grounds, a short stroll across the creek. An amenities block is located on the polocrosse grounds.
Entry to the polocrosse ground is via Victoria St, from Hall, it is the first left after the turn off to the Showground, heading towards Canberra.
All campers please nominate on your entry form the date of arrival and date of departure.
When arriving please book in with Tony Morris (PH:0427302317) to be directed to a suitable camping spot.
Powered sites are $20 per night, capped at $100 for the week.
Unpowered sites are $15 per night, capped at $75 for the week.
All power leads will need to be covered if on the ground.
Exercising of Dogs
Dogs must only be exercised on the polocrosse side of the grounds.
The oval adjacent the event ground is strictly not to be used for exercising or toileting of dogs.
All handlers MUST clean up after their dogs within the Showgrounds.
Prizes and Fees
The National Open Champion 2025
Entry Fee $25
1st — $5000, the Queens Trophy – portrait of the winning dog by artist Linda Dening, a framed replica of the Duke of Gloucester Sash, The Greg Prince Memorial Watch
2nd — $1500 and Sash
3rd — $800 and Sash
4th — $600 and Sash
5th — $500 and Sash
6th — $400 and Sash
Top 20 Finalists — $100
The National Improver Championship 2024
Entry Fee $15
1st — $1000 and Sash and trophy
2nd — $600 and Sash
3rd — $400 and Sash
4th — $200 and Sash
The National Maiden Championship 2024
Entry Fee $20
1st — $2000, The New Zealand High Commission Shield, Sash and Trophy
2nd — $800 and Sash
3rd — $600 and Sash
4th — $300 and Sash
5th — $200 and Sash
6th — $100 and Sash
2024 Additional Prizes and Trophies
The Champion of Champions
The state champions will compete as a block within the open draw. The highest scoring state champion and their dog will win a ribbon and $1,000
Winners Every Day from Monday to Saturday
- Each day the highest scoring run in the Open/Improver will receive a prize.
- Each day the highest scoring run in the Maiden will receive a prize.
- Prizes to be awarded at the end of each section of each day.
George Westcott Memorial Trophy
$50 and Sash, for the dog scoring the most points in the first round of the National Maiden Championship.
Lawrie Tong Memorial Trophy
$50 and Sash for the dog scoring the highest points in the first round of the National Improver Championship.
National First Time Trophy
$50 and Sash, for the highest points scored by a handler competing at the Nationals for the first time, in the first round of either the National Open, Improver or Maiden Championships.
Mellissa Gillard Memorial Shield
$50 and Sash, awarded to the highest scoring competitor in the first round of either the Maiden, Improver or Open Championships working the dog that the competitor has bred and owns.
All prize money will be electronically transferred within 5 days of the completion of the championships.
Trial Eligibility
Please read before completing your entry form.
The ENTRY FORM for the 2025 trial is on the National Sheep Dog Trial website here. This year the entry form is an online form to fill out and submit. You will then need to transfer your total entries fees to the National Sheepdog Trials account via bank transfer.
If preferred competitors can receive a paper copy by emailing or phoning: 0403257243.
The National Maiden Championship is open to dogs that have not won any 3 sheep type of sheep dog trial up to the closing date of entries (5th February 2025)
Maiden dogs are ONLY eligible to enter the Improver Trial if they are the first FOUR dogs in the Maiden Final. These 4 finalists will be given free entry into the Improver Trial and may be entered in the Open Trial on payment of the Open entry fee. If entered in the National Open these dogs will be eligible for the Top 20.
The Maiden Final will comprise of the six [6] highest scoring dogs.
The National Improver Championship is open to dogs that have won a Maiden/Novice Trial but have not won any type of improver or higher class of 3 sheep dog trial up to the closing date of entry.
The Improver Championship will be conducted in conjunction with the Open Championship. Improver dogs may be entered in the National Open Championship and are eligible for the Top 20.
The Improver Final will consist of the four [4] highest scoring Improver dogs.
The National Open Championship: The final will comprise of the six [6] highest combined scores from the first round in the Open and the Top Twenty score.
Rules and Conditions of Entry
1. NSWSDWi rules will apply to The National Championship course with 4 exceptions-
- Sheep must be delivered into the D Shape around the starting peg.
- The handler must be standing in the obstacle set/ring before the sheep have cleared the obstacle.
- The gate at the pen is parallel to the opening.
- 10 point pen.
2. All dogs must be registered by the state controlling body.
3. All handlers must be a financial member of the state working sheepdog association.
4. It is the responsibility of each owner to ensure their dogs are fit and healthy, before entering the trial ring.
5. The Judge or the trial manager may terminate the run of a dog if it is considered that the dog or the sheep are injured or stressed. This constitutes disqualification, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NUMBER OF POINTS DEDUCTED BY THE JUDGE.
6. The Judge’s decisions are final.
7. No entry fee refunds will be made after the close of entry. If the committee cancels an entry, the fee will be refunded or if the competitor is unwell and tested positive for COVID 19, their entries fees will be refunded.
8. The committee has the right to instruct the judge to ring dogs off at any time.
9. The committee accepts no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to the owner, their property or their dogs.
10. Entry fees must accompany entry forms.
11. The Trial time for each dog, over a 3-obstacle course will be 15 minutes.
12. Any dog not in attendance when called upon to compete in the order set out in the draw, EXCEPT WHEN THE OWNER is carrying out duties for the NSDTA Canberra Inc, will be scratched and not readmitted to the event, being conducted.
13. In the case of a tie or any other dispute, all competitors must agree to accept the decision of the Trial sub-committee as final.
14. On entering your dogs and signing the entry form, you are agreeing to the rules and conditions of the championships and consenting to abide by the constitution and Rules of the National Sheep Dog Trial Association Canberra Inc. and the decisions of the Committee.
15. Competitors should note that under this constitution, the national association has the authority to refuse future entries from any person whose conduct or comments are deemed detrimental to the National Sheep Dog Trials Association Canberra Inc, or any other sheep dog trials.
16. Dogs may not be substituted.
17. In the event of a tie in The National Open, Improver or Maiden, further runs will be given until a winner is decided.
18. Camping may be from Sunday prior to the start of the event, to the last day of the event.
19. As a courtesy to other trialler’s and to ensure the smooth running of the championship, competitors are asked to notify the trial office of any scratching’s as soon as possible.
20. Bitches in season, may be worked.
21. Please contact the trial manager if a dog you have entered in a Maiden/Novice and or Improver trial, wins a trial prior to close of entries.
Entries for 2025 are now closed.
We look forward to seeing you there!
NSDTA Scholarship
The National Sheepdog Trial Association (NSDTA) is proud to announce our new Scholarship Program, designed to support and encourage young enthusiasts in the sport of Sheepdog Trialing across Australia.
Are you under 30 and passionate about sheepdog trialling? Find out more and apply today!

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